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E S T 2014
» I am the first step on your way to your Home Based Business «
Looking for a business you can call your own?
Dreaming of a change?
I can help.
I have been around in this business since the spring of 2014, started from scratch and tried all these programs / pages that promise you will get rich fast, been on PPC pages where you made several dollars per click, which then turned out not to be dollars but cents.

Have also been on traffic exchange for several years but have lately stopped since it does not give as much to me.

However, I still read email on list building / safelists sites etc as it still actually has a certain result.

A few years ago, I started to get more and more interested in social media sites and especially Twitter. Twitter is my biggest advertising platform today.

Since I have already gone the hard way, encountered a lot of obstacles and trodden on some mines, today I know what is good and what is not good.
What is likely to be a scam or simply comes with a lot of unreasonable hopes for how much money you can earn by learning a secret simple method.

With that said, I just want to say this is where I come in.

On my both blogs, which is more focused on general online internet business, while much more on affiliate marketing and similar online business, like ecommerce for example, you can read about everything you need to know to start your own business. Many good tips and ideas that can make a big difference.

I have also started a small webshop,

Here you will find almost everything you need to learn about running and starting a successful affiliate marketing business.
Everything is carefully selected by me to let you know that what you buy is good and not just comes with a lot of unreasonable claims.
Just simply honest methods that actually work.